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We’re delighted to announce that Digital Aero Technologies (DAT), subsidiary of Avia Solutions Group, has entered into a long-term partnership with VIKO (Vilnius University of Applied Sciences).

As an international group of technology-driven aviation companies, DAT are committed to the development of innovative future ventures, with the focus of this new partnership on the integration of Informatics and Engineering studies into the university syllabus.

The two parties will work closely in the fields of applied scientific research, information technology, the development of methodological materials, and the organization of joint educational events. DAT has also committed to an integrated study program and joint social responsibility objectives as they endeavor to create exceptional added value for both the business and the higher education institute as part of this future-centric partnership.

There’s a real synergy between DAT and VIKO in both the theory and practices of developing competencies for students and course leaders, and there’s also rich potential for graduates to explore opportunities within DAT and the wider Avia Solutions Group after completion of their studies.

Julius Norkunas, CEO at Digital Aero Technologies, commented; “It’s a landmark moment for DAT to link up with such a valued partner as VIKO. We’re looking forward to being able to collaborate with young talent, the university, and our own staff to enhance the study program, while we’ll also work together on joint initiatives that will attract project funds to both parties. We also hope that our partnership together will help us to present opportunities for students to create new products, brands, businesses, and to secure employment. With support from the leadership team here, and the resources of our wider group behind the project, we’re looking forward to exciting and successful times together!”

J.Norkunas was speaking from a special live event held at AeroCity, Tech Valley, where the agreement was signed and celebrated, before students from VIKO were given the grand tour of the new building.